1. Need of Computer for an Accountant An accountant has to do various tasks tn his/her dally office routine that needs more aborious work For example in letter writing his/her boss may make changes many times So thin requires wrilting again and again the same text on the paper with some minor changes. In case of report to management this also happens.
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Computer Basic Information |
Basic information on what a computer is using and how it works. It is given in the article, with the help of which you can know computer intro ease
Computer Introduction
Hence the computer helps the accountant in the following tasks.
1. Letter writing.
2. Report to management that includes graphics, chartt, table.
In short we can say that for an accountant the computer is a boon He can make changes for corrections in the letters, reports, sheets, tables by spending less ttme. Today we are living tn the age of machine and time. When we work manually it takes a lot of time and in order to save this time we need computers People want power, they want performance; they enjoy speed and the ablity to communicate rapidly and do several thing in parallel with the assistance of electronic device.
A computer has become a necessity In modern times due to the following reasons.
(1) To save time and to tmprove performance.
(2) To avold errors/mistakes.
(3) To get the output in hard copy Iprtnt out) and tn sofl copy in desired format.
(4) To store huge amount of data casily and conventently.
(5) Tominimize the intellectual strain.
(6) Toestablish fast communication of data/information and portability.
(7) To minimize the redundancy of data.
1.2 Computer
A computer is a fast and accurate electronic data manipulating system designed to accept nput to process them and produce results (output) under the direction of a stored program of instructions
In Simple Langiage Computer is just a Data Processing Machine that accepts data than process it and provide a meantngful output from that To understand It sees the Block
Diagram Below:-
1.3 Input Devices
The device tr wcth can enter the dutis atd neructions is called input device Some of the imput
1. Keyboard
Keyboard is a device wih my keys usually marked with the letters of he alphabet the and varous extra keys. See the most common keyboard picture below.
Various Key in Keyboard
Esc Key: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button In PowerPoint the Esc key will stop a running side sho. On a web page with animations the Esc key stop the animations on a web page that is loading the Esc by will stop the page from loading The Keyboard combitnation Ctrl Esc will open the Start Menu.
F1 Key: While working in an application, pressing this key will bring up the applications help menu. If there is no open application, FI will open Windows Help
F2 Key: Choose this key to rename a selected item or object.
F3 Key: Pressing this key will display the Find: All Flles dialog boa
F4 Key: Selects the Go to a Different Polder box and moves down the entries in the box ur the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer
F5 Key: Refreshes the current window: In Internet Explorer, P5 will Refresh the
F6 Key: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer. (Like Tab Key: in Software (According to Requirements) Generally use for spelling checking in MS. Offlce
F8 Key: Use In Software (According to Requirements) F9 Key: Use In Software (According to Requirements)
F10 Key: Activates TAB options. Use right and left arrows to select TAB and down arrows to display TAB
F11 Key: Internet Explorer this key will allow you to loggle between full screen vlewing mode and normal viewing mode.
F12 Key: Use in Software lAccording to Requtrements)
Print Screen/SysRg: Usually located at the upper right hand corner of your keyboard next to the Scroll Lock and Pause/Break keys. Often abbreviated PritSer the Print Screen key is a uscful key supported on most FCs. In DOS. pressing the Print Screen key causes the computer to send whatever Images and text are currently on the display screen to the printer Some graphics programs and Windows, use the Print Screen key to obtain Screen Captures.
Tab Key: This key can be used to move forward through options dialog box. Ctrl+Shift + Tab can be used to move backward through the options Ctrl +Tab allows movement from one open window to the next in an application with more than one open window Alt + Tab displays a list of open application windows. Keeping Alt depressed and selecting Tab cycles through the Iist. Releasing selects the highlighted application window.
Caps Lock Key: Locks the keyboard in Capitals mode (only applies to Alpha keys). The Caps Lock key should be used with caution. Using ALL CAPS Is a usability no-no as many have difmculty scanning text that is ALL CAPS. Also, when sending email in all caps, this could be misconstrued as shouting at someone.
Shift Key: The obvious use of this key is to allow selection of capttal letters when depressing characters, or selecting the characters above other non-alpha keys Depressing the Shift key while inserting a CD-ROM will bypass auto play Shit + Delete to permanently delete a selected item, bypasses the Recycle Bin.
Ctrl Key: Pressing the Ctrl key while clicking allows multiple selections. Holding the Ctri key down and pressing other key combinations will tnittate quite a fewactions.
Toggle Key: Togsle key is new term that means the key which can be switch on oe at your keyboard. At keyboard there are three togde keys.
a. Scroll Lock: When It is on It means that you can't scroll excel or in another way you can't to go the downside or upside in any window.
b. Caps Lock: As described earlier.
c. Num Lock: When tt is on the numertc pad works 2. Mouse A mouse Is small device that is connected to the system unit by means of wire. This is another Input device whose movement causes the corresponding movement of the petnter on the screen. It usually has Two or three buttons ustng which the user can select options from the screen. A most commonly use Mouse picture see below.
3. Processor (CPU) Sanl Bat A Central Processing Unit (CPU).or processor. ts the control centre for a computer. it gudes directs and governs tts performance. It is the brain of the compater. Along with Primary Storage and Input/Output facilitles the CPU has two components which are responsle for different functions These two components are iIts Control Unit (CU) and Arlthmetic Loge Unit (ALU).
Basically there are two typical components of CPU are:
6. ALU
7. CU
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - The ALU performs all four arithmetical (+,-,*,/) and some logical (<,>, <=,>=, <>) operations When two numbers are requtred to be added, these numbers are sent from memory to ALU where addition takes place and the result ts put back in the memory. The same way other Arithmetic operations are performed.
For logical operations also, the numbers to be compared are sent from memory to AlU where the compartson takes place and the result is returned to memory. The result of a lagcal operations is elther TRUE or FALSE.
Control Unit - This controls the flow and manipulation of data and Iinformation. It also controls the owd to memory and from memory to output devices Memory is also bastc part of CPU. Description of the memory is gving further in detail tn the section of Storage Devices.
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